Welcome to my blog. I aim to tell you a bit about how I use the Alexander Technique in my daily life and how you too can improve your own body use. The one most valuable thing that you can do for yourself on a daily basis is find time to lie down for 10 minutes. All you need is a carpeted floor and 3 paper back books. Lie on yoru back with your head on the books and your knees bent upwards with your feet about hip width apart. This position allows the muscles of your neck and back to release. I do this every morning after seeing the family out the door and walking the dogs. I find it sets me up for the rest of the day. But - you can do it whenever it suits your routine - some people like to do it when the get home from work as it helps to let go of any tension that has accumulated during the day. Good luck!
First post - benefits of lying down in semi-supine